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Omaha Steve

Omaha Steve's Journal
Omaha Steve's Journal
May 24, 2024

HERE IT IS... my post #100,000

WOW. I hit the milestone. It took me almost 20 years to get to this point.

From mistakes I made I have lost a few DU friends. Saying I'm sorry probably won't reestablish friendship with those many DUers. I am sorry for the mistakes I've made. There have been too many to list.

High points for me on the DU include sharing my diagnosis for dementia several years ago. I'm still going strong. Having the Labor Group named after me. Raising $2.4 million for Biden/Harris 4 years ago. Lots of nature pictures I used to post. Being a long time host. Meeting Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff and talking about the DU. You get the idea. Feel free to add to this list.

I doubt I'll have another 20 years on the DU. That doesn't mean I won't try.

In solidarity,

March 19, 2024

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff meets Omaha Steve and the DU

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff was in town to give a speech about women's reproductive health today. I did not attend that event.

The other purpose of the gathering I was at was to pick up yard signs. I got several Biden/Harris signs for my friends and neighbors.

Secret Service would not allow attendees to get out of their car. I did get to shake his hand. We talked about the DU. You bet I mentioned that we raised OVER $2.4 million in 2020 for Biden/Harris. He was impressed. He shook my hand again and sincerely said thank you. I didn't see any TV coverage.

You can see my AFSCME shirt.
September 7, 2023

My photo made Tony Vargas's Face Book page

Tony is running for US Congress in Nebraska's D-2. It is a swing district. Tony lost last year by 2% without Biden on the ballot. Having the President on the top of the ticket is one of the factors that will help Tony win next year. That helps retake the House.

This photo is from Monday's Labor Day parade. I'm on the left with a black hat. Tony is next to me holding his son.

This post could use an R BTW.

I'm asking all my labor followers to donate a small amount to help a pro-labor candidate.

Tony's info: https://www.vargasfornebraska.com/

Donate with our DU link here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/duforvargas24

Hi Steve,

Thanks so much for reaching out!

I'm happy to confirm that ActBlue will only share your information with the specific committees, campaigns, or organizations that you have contributed to. We share the information that they need to comply with relevant campaign finance laws and regulations, as well as your email address so that they can get in touch with you.

We don’t sell or otherwise transfer your information to any third parties. We also do not solicit on behalf of the organizations and campaigns that use our platform. If you or your donors are receiving solicitations from them, you will need to unsubscribe directly from the organization or campaign. I hope that this information is helpful.

Please feel free to be in touch if there’s anything else that I can do!

August 14, 2023

From the Democratic National Committee to the DU (thanks for the $2.4 MILLION+ in 2020)

The DU is now recognized as a player! Here is the letter.


Hello Steven,

I hope this email finds you well! My name is Eduardo, and I’m a staffer on the DNC’s Donor Cultivation team. I’m reaching out today to thank you for your generosity to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign.

The ActBlue community forms you created have generated incredible revenue for the campaign, allowing us to invest in staffing operations, campaign infrastructure, voter protection, and more. We could not be more grateful for your contributions and the support you have cultivated.

Last quarter, the campaign raised $72 million, which we could not have achieved without the support of dedicated Democrats like you. We’re going to need all hands on deck as President Biden and Vice President Harris return to the campaign trail to make their case to the American people. Together, we’ll lead the Biden-Harris ticket and Democrats across the nation to victory in 2024.

Thank you again for your support.

Eduardo Bocanegra | he/him
Donor Cultivation Assistant
Democratic National Committee
October 23, 2022

This is my post # 90,000!

It took almost 18 years for me to get to this point. (Member since: Tue Nov 9, 2004, 05:03 PM)

It has been a lot of fun. There have been a few surgeries that slowed me down. Three shoulder and two hand.

Speaking of health, I continue to use trazadone for my Frontotemporal Degeneration. In December of 2013 I was told I have FTD and probably had two years of quality life left. FTD is the most common form of dementia for people under age 60. I'll be 66 in January. Each FTD patient time line is different. I'm one of the fortunate ones.

I'm most proud of three things. I started the Labor Group that was later named after me. I'm not as active there since I retired. Raising over 2.4 million dollars for President Biden is another source of pride. I continue to be a host on the DU.

Because of my FTD, odds are I won't be here 18 years from now. That doesn't mean I won't try. I've made a few mistakes here because of my FTD. I'm Sorry.

The DU is the first thing I do in the morning after I take the dogs out. It is usually about the last thing I do at night.

I love this place and it shows.


Omaha Steve A.K.A. OS

March 6, 2022

We now have a tax deductible DU fundraiser for the people of the Ukraine at ActBlue

It will be a few days before I get the whistles and bells working. But it is working.

DU only link. DONATE here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dufortheukraine

This is where the $ goes to: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ukrainewillresist


October 24, 2020

Marta made the full page "We Dissent" ad in today's Washington Post, page A5! (UPDATED with text)

Dear Marta,

Thank you so much for adding your name to our We Dissent letter.

It appeared in the Washington Post today, showing up at the doorsteps of senators who in the next day or so will cast their votes whether to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Her name is in the right upper N in today's ad.

September 17, 2020

In December of 2013 I was told I have FTD and probably had 2 years of quality life left

For a short time it was thought I had ALS too. Turned out I don't have ALS. As you can tell, I still have some quality left in me.

Here is the link to the story I used to explain FTD: https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/06/health/a-rare-form-of-dementia-tests-a-vow-of-for-better-for-worse.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all

Each patient advances at their own rate. For me, so far so good.

I'm on Trazadone to slow the advance of FTD. Studies in Great Britain show that Trazadone for some reason does help with that.

I'm still able to get around and communicate. I need to lose a few pounds since I'm pre-diabetic.

I have helped raised over 1.5 million dollars for Biden-Harris: https://www.democraticunderground.com/100214084917

Anyway I get asked from time to time how I'm doing. For now I'm doing fine.


August 26, 2020

The DU has now raised OVER $1 million to elect Joe & Kamala

Yes we did. It happened over night. To everyone that contributed thank you so much.

I've been a pain in the ass to get us to this point. But it worked. Not bad for an old man with dementia problems.

I'm not upping the goal for a few days while we take this all in.


Contribute here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/duforjoe

DUer duhneece is running for New Mexico State Senate District #33. We are raising funds for her too.

Info: https://www.democraticunderground.com/100213687339 & https://www.democraticunderground.com/100213729649

Contribute here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/committee-to-elect-denise-lang-browne-1

Profile Information

Name: Steven
Gender: Male
Hometown: Omaha
Home country: USA
Current location: Bellevue, NE
Member since: Tue Nov 9, 2004, 06:03 PM
Number of posts: 100,102
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